Wednesday, August 5, 2009


last week there's the anti-ISA rally in the midst of H1N1 outbreak in Malaysia...and there's no shock when police arrested several underaged during the protest...and there's also no shock that the BA will use the same ol' tactic about FRU being barbaric and unprofessional by beating up the protester and such....and they will start blaming the judiciary body for detaining those underaged protesters...
my question is,do they really know what is ISA...does those 13 or 16 yr old kid know what is ISA....ok...maybe ISA is a little bit too high for them....did they ever even once,read the Federal Constitution...did they ever see the book??
i don't think they would as my friend of 21 yrs old doing medicine with me who are a strong supporter or may i say an extremist of DSAI never knew the content of the consti....and yet he strongly supported every moves DSAI made...funny huh? how can you fight something you never knew in the first place? all his facts are based on hear say or at least he reads it through the speeches of doubt DSAI is a good be able to conjure thousands of protester whom doesnt have the knowledge of the consti to shout about human rights...
funny thing is,they know one thing in the consti...human right...the right to assemble....maybe because that is the most famous part of the consti used again and again by the BA to make what they've been doing is actually their right....and this,really points out the shallowness of their extreme supporters(reminder: im not a BA nor a BN supporter..i just hate extremists).....they shout about their rights,claiming their rights and so on and on....but just let me put a little part of the consti here...

Article number: 10
(1)Subject to Clauses (2), (3) and (4) -
(a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression;
(b) all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms;
(c) all citizens have the right to form associations.
(2) Parliament may by law impose -
(a) on the rights conferred by paragraph (a) of Clause (1),such restrictions as it deems
necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part thereof,
friendly relations with other countries, public order or morality and restrictions designed
to protect the privileges of Parliament or of any Legislative Assembly or to provide
against contempt of court, defamation, or incitement to any offence;
(b) on the right conferred by paragraph (b) of Clause (1), such restrictions as it deems
necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part thereof,
or public order;
(c) on the right conferred by paragraph (c) of Clause (1), such restrictions as it deems
necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part thereof,
public order or morality.

by doing a public demonstration in the midst of KL near Sogo,they clearly violated public order and this clearly against the consti.....which part of it they didnt understand? or they didnt read it...or yeah,DSAI never told them about article 10.2.....he just talk about article 10.1.....
what irks me the most is that those extremist are so damn proud of their stupidness that they cant even think what they are doing are hurting their beloved much Sogo losts during the day? how about nearby restaurant or about other people who have other things to do on that day on that particular place...all things are disrupted just because this so called 'peace rally'....its no peace when you disrupt the peace of other people...
furthermore,the rally was done in the midst of H1N1......didnt DSAI know that the disease is HIGHLY contagious.....and can be FATAL....and a rally where thousand of people gather could easily helps the spread of the disease?
i understand when he did rallies before,during his ban in the politic arena...but now,he is an MP...he has power in the hall....he can voice out his opinion in the hall...he can debate his issues....he has the support of PAS and DAP...why the need of another rally? or is it he craved sooo much attention that attention from the hall itself is not enough?
and for those extremist out there,think before you might think you knew everything might think you've figured out all the might think DSAI is a hero that would bring prosperity to the land...but think might be wrong...MIGHT be wrong...

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