Litoria nasuta, the Australian rocket frog can leap up to 2 metres....astonishing...maybe the scientist haven't heard of Malaysian politic frogs....can leap between parties....Bota assemblymen who recently crossed to PKR,and the latest one is news about two PKR assemblymen is going to crossover to say the big people? i guess it's alright for the BN because that's what they did before to DAP assemblymen,buy them....ask Datuk Joseph Pairin DSAI during his reign in UMNO nicely architect the defects on several MP in Sabah to win over the government....i think it's alright for PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali said,it's morally right for BN MP to crossover but a sin for those from PR to cross...but what say the people?
im just a one person view..estimated value of one vote only...since majority is democracy,so my view means nothing except that im leaving in my own world where 1 is a majority...u can say bullshit about how a vote can make the difference..ever heard of anyone winning elections with one vote majority?
maybe i would have effect if this one vote can influence another one vote..and together,two votes can make a difference...not yet...we need more..and more....we need to influence..and how do we influence? we can lie...or we can lie..why lie? because we can never please everyone's to win over everyone,we need to pretend we can fulfill what they want....
who is assemblymen? person voted by people of an area to represent them....
first of all,why is he voted? for his party?for himself? or for the people...if it is for the people,why the party make a lot of fuss when the representetive changes party? or is the party has its own agenda to fulfill that it requires the MP...if that is the reason,then the forming of a politcal party is to pursue an agenda favourable to the party only...then who works for the people? so is the party agenda coherent with the people's agenda? if it is coherent then i can see no problem in hopping party because even if the assemblymen is in another party,he will still work for the people because the people's agenda is the same with the other party...or is the other party has a different agenda...and is it coherent with the people's? if it is not,then the other party has its own agenda which is not for the people..and why hope to another party? is it because the assemblymen no longer work for the people? then why become assemblymen?
ok,im starting to be confuse here....who's agenda is we working on anyway...the people's or the party?
people's agenda =party'agenda
party's agenda=party2's agenda(we assume party2's working for the people)
assemblymen's agenda remain the same
so nothing has change basically....
but what if the party's agenda is different...
party's agenda =/= party2's agenda
MP switch to party 2 because of its there will be two possibilities....
1. MP's agenda = people's agenda = party2's agenda (therefore the switching)
2. MP's agenda = people's agenda =/= party's agenda (therefore the switching)
but intially the MP is voted under the first party agenda so we will assume.....
people's agenda=party's agenda
so which one has the same agenda as the people's?
if both has a different agenda then who has the agenda for the people?
if both party claim their agenda is for the people,then it will be like this....
party's agenda = people's agenda
party2's agenda = people's agenda
party's agenda = party2's agenda
so why political party?
am i right? hahahaha..the mathematical equation solves it all...
if only life is as simple as mathematical equation....
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